Varese, Italy

Varese,  28 November 2023

Needless to say, this photo could have been taken almost anywhere.
Well, it wasn't. Moreover, looking at it brings not only the moment 
back where I took it (and quite some others), it also reminds me of
the beautiful hotel where I was staying, the walks through town, the 
pleasent encounters as well as the return trip across the snow-covered
San Bernardino (listening to oldies from the seventies).

And, all of a sudden a scene comes to mind that I had almost completely
forgotten when thinking of my stay in Varese: I was having an early dinner
at the hotel, an elderly couple were the only other guests in the dining room.
Abruptly, the lady stormed out calling for help. Her husband sat motionless
at the table, as if he were sleeping. The manager appeared and tried to talk to
the man who eventually woke up again. It feels surreal when now thinking of
this scene. It is also a reminder that photographs not only highlight something but 
also block the memory of everything else.


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