Photos are Triggers?

Bordeaux, France, 12 June 2021

Photos are triggers, it is said. And, as regards this photo, it is true.
Looking at it I experience the sensation of being there; for a moment
it feels as if time has stood still.

The image triggers lots of other images, or so it seems, I'm however
not sure whether this holds true  for it presumes that there is an image from
which all the following images then emanate. Sure, this makes sense but is what makes 
sense also the way it is?

The images that ceaselessly cross my mind do not seem to need a cause to emanate from.
They seem to be simply there, they come and go non-stop. The same happens with 
images that appear in my dreams. Yes, they might originate from somewhere but
it is also possible that they were always there and simply not seen.

Photographs have the potential to give direction to this constant flow of images, 
they can give us a focus, they can make us aware that we have the ability to choose.


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