
Showing posts from May, 2024

Summer evening in Santa Cruz do Sul

When contemplatimg these pics that were  taken on 6 February 2021 in Santa Cruz do Sul, what first comes to mind is the balcony on the  10th floor from which this scene could be observed. To me these pics look more like paintings than photographs. Differently put: They seem somehow unreal which is, given that  they are real depictions of what then unfolded before my eyes, a  somewhat unreal statement.

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Sargans, 24. September 2021 Ich kann nicht sagen, wann mir zum ersten Mal aufgefallen  ist, dass in einem Blumenbeet vor "meinem" Wohnblock Margeriten blühen. Bewusst wahrgenommen habe ich sie jedoch erst vor Kurzem. Und bin seither regelmässig stehengeblieben, als ich an ihnen vorbeigekommen bin, und habe sie fotografiert. Anfangs wunderte ich mich, dass es so viele waren. Dann begann ich einzelne heran zu zoomen, entdeckte dabei immer mal wieder Bienen und fragte mich, wann ich eigentlich das letzte Mal Bienen bewusst wahrgenommen habe. Die Frage bewirkte, dass ich genauer hinsah und von da an recht oft Bienen bemerkte. Fotografieren hilft mir, aufmerksamer zu werden.


Santa Cruz do Sul, 1 January 2024 It surely looks like I'm obsessed with palms for almost every time I spot one I cannot get my eyes off. How come? My best guess is that palm trees aren't exactly common in my native Switzerland. They represent something foreign  and exotic, they seem to instill a certain longing in me.


Cacau, 27 January 2024 When I arrived in Santa Cruz do Sul in December 2023 for my  annual stay, I was not only greeted by the two German shepards I already  knew but also barked at by a brown dog I did not know  – Cacau. Cacau had arrived one day out of the blue and decided to stay. All efforts to lock her out of the gate proved fruitless and so my hosts  eventually  gave in.  Cacau is now part of the household and behaves  very much like  the two shepards: as soon as I show up she lies on  her back  and wants  to be cuddled.