
Showing posts from January, 2024

Palm Patterns

These photographs were taken in January 2023 in Santa Cruz do Sul. Why did I take them? What attracted me? What made me decide to put them here? I can only guess for I do not know why I do what I do, why I think what I think,  why I live like I do. Generally put: my picture taking is informed by what pleases my eyes.  And, as far as I know, that 's pretty much it.

Birds of Paradise

These pics were taken in January 2024 in Santa Cruz do Sul. Some years ago I had spotted these  Estrelítzias (the name I'm most  famliar with, others are ave-do-paraíso and birds of paradise respectively) for the first time, and have been entranced by them ever since. I've taken  countless such pics, at different times of the day, from every angle imaginable.  An obsession? It surely looks that way but as always with obsessions  –  there are the destruktive ones and the uplifting ones (and all the  others in between).  I feel enriched by this unique mix of colours and forms; their beauty makes me cherish life.

Westindischer Jasmin und mehr

Aufgenommen wurden diese Bilder Ende Januar 2024  im brasilianischen  Santa Cruz do Sul. Vom ersten (Westindischer Jasmin) und vom dritten (Camarão amarelo) kenne ich den Namen, vom mittlerern Bild jedoch nicht  – Marcelo, der Gärtner, hat ihn mir mal genannt, doch ich habe ihn wieder vergessen und frage mich jetzt, ob ich ihn gerne wissen würde und falls ja, ob dies was ändern würde. Es ist dies eine Frage, die ich mich entschlossen habe, für den Moment unbeantwortet zu lassen. Was vermutlich auch damit zu tun hat, dass mir mit den Jahren immer weniger klar war, ob solches Wissen eigentlich hilft. Als ich wenig später auf Marcelo treffe und ihm von meinen Überlegungen  erzähle, lacht er, stimmt mir zu und nennt dann den Namen (Cardamomo).

Gamagori, Japan

These pics were taken on a cloudy day in Gamagori, Japan, on 28 April 2019. It was the door and the flowers in front that had called my attention.  Neither the woman nor the man I had seen approaching  –  both had caught me by surprise. That I had the presence of mind to record these two chance encounters still surprises me. I take photographs of whatever my eyes deem attractive. There is no plan, no specific  idea that I'm pursuing.   It is about being ready for what comes my way. My framing is intuitive.